Madeley Neighbourhood Plan Made

Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council has determined on 23 May 2022 to make the Madeley Neighbourhood Development Plan. This now forms part of the development plan for Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough. The made Neighbourhood Plan is available at the following link:


Adobe Acrobat Document 3.7 MB

The decision statement and decision report can be downloaded on the Borough Council website at the following link:


Madeley decision report and statement and plan – Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (


This followed a referendum on the Madeley Neighbourhood Plan which took place on 5 May 2022. The Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council elections team were responsible for organising the referendum. This ensured that the community had the final say on whether the neighbourhood plan came into force within the area.


The result of the referendum was overwhelmingly in favour of adopting the Neighbourhood Plan with 86% of votes in favour. The declaration of result can be downloaded at the following link:


Madeley neighbourhood planning referendum 2022 - declaration of results – Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council ( 


What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Madeley Parish Council produced the Neighbourhood Plan for the parish to guide the planning and future development of the area up to 2037. The Neighbourhood Plan covers the whole Parish including Madeley, Madeley Heath, Onneley and Leycett (see Map of Designated Area). It enabled the local community to refine the adopted Core Strategy, and give local people more say in where new development goes and what kind of development is allowed including protecting key assets and local green spaces.


Neighbourhood Plans introduced by the Localism Act in 2011 are produced by local people. The opinions of all residents and stakeholders of the Parish are an essential part of developing the plan and these are obtained through consultation exercises and the Plan is only brought into force after a majority vote by residents in a local referendum.



Neighbourhood Plans are part of the statutory planning system. This means that Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council will have to take the policies and proposals in the Madeley Neighbourhood Plan into account when it makes decisions on planning applications in the parish.

All Saints Church, Conservation Area and countryside beyond
All Saints Church, Conservation Area and countryside beyond