Latest News on the development of the Neighbourhood Plan:
23rd May 2022 - Madeley Neighbourhood Plan Made
The Neighbourhood Plan was formally made by Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council on 23 May 2022. It now forms part of the development plan for Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough. The made Neighbourhood Plan is available at the following link:
5th May 2022 - Referendum Result
The result of the referendum was overwhelmingly in favour of adopting the Neighbourhood Plan with 86% voting in favour. The declaration of result can be downloaded at the following link:
5th May 2022 - Referendum
The Madeley Neighbourhood Plan will go to public Referendum on 5th May 2022. Visit the Referendum page for more information.
January 2022 - Regulation 18: Independent Examiner's Final Report
The Examiner for the Madeley Neighbourhood Plan has issued his report recommending that the Neighbourhood Plan proceeds to a public referendum. See Regulation 18 page for more information
November 2021 - Regulation 17: Examination, Initial Comments from the Inspector
John Slater BA(Hons), DMS, MRTPI, has been appointed to undertake the examination of the Madeley neighbourhood plan.
More details can be found on the Regulation 17 Examination page of this website or on the Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council website at the following link:
Madeley neighbourhood plan – Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (
6th September 2021 to 22nd October 2021 - Regulation 16 Consultation (NOW CLOSED)
Madeley Parish Council submitted the Neighbourhood Plan proposal to Newcastle-Under-Lyme Borough Council (NULBC) on 5 August 2021.
In accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, NULBC published the proposed Madeley neighbourhood plan for a period of six weeks from 6 September to 22 October 2021 in order to receive representations on the submitted plan.
Further details can be found on the NULBC website at the following link:
Madeley neighbourhood plan – Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council (
April to June 2020 - Regulation 14 Public Consultation (NOW CLOSED)
Thank you for the responses we received to the Regulation 14 Consultation held between Wednesday 12th February 2020 to Wednesday 25th March 2020. The consultation responses are being analysed and considered to assess if updates or changes are required to the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan.
12th February 2020 to 25th March 2020 - Regulation 14 Public Consultation (NOW CLOSED)
Formal consultation on the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan is taking place from Wednesday 12th February 2020 at 12 noon to Wednesday 25th March 2020 at 12 noon in accordance with Regulation-14, Town and Country Planning, England Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulation 2012. This is a six-week statutory consultation period and we welcome comments on the draft plan. See the link below for more details and to respond:
October 2019 to January 2020 - Further Work Towards Preparing for Regulation 14
The steering group has used feedback from the recent Local Green Space consultation, other evidence and meetings with Newcastle Borough Council to update and progress the draft Neighbourhood Development Plan to be ready for Regulation 14.
September 2019 - Follow Up Local Green Space Consultation (Now Closed)
Thank you for the responses we received to the follow up Local Green Spaces Consultation held between 24 July and 14 August 2019. The consultation responses will be analysed and used to inform the Local Green Spaces section of the Neighbourhood Plan.
24 July 2019 to 14 August 2019 - Follow Up Local Green Space Consultation
The proposed Local Green Space designations have been updated as a result of the additional work following the initial consultation and all recommendations of Independent Examiner Nigel McGurk have been included. As part of the ongoing community engagement of the Madeley Neighbourhood Development Plan, Madeley Parish Council is undertook further community consultation on the proposed Local Green Spaces between 24 July 2019 to 14 August 2019 (now closed). During the consultation, comments were invited from any interested parties. In addition to writing to interested stakeholders, details of the consultation were also included on the LGS Consultation page of this website.
January 2019 to May 2019 - Local Green Space Follow Up Work
The steering group are following up on the findings of the Local Green Spaces consultation exercise and performing further work. As part of this exercise, Madeley Parish Council have engaged qualified Independent Examiner Nigel McGurk to perform a 'mock' examination of the proposed Local Green Space policy, designations and evidence base. This is to ensure the proposed designations are appropriate and the evidence is robust.
3rd November 2018 - Drafting of Neighbourhood Plan
The steering group is continuing the preparation of the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan including policies. Work is also progressing on potential designation of local green spaces including review and updates for consultation responses. We will keep you updated as this progresses.
21st August to 18th September 2018 - Local Green Space Consultation
As part of the community engagement of the Madeley Neighbourhood Development Plan, Madeley Parish Council undertook further community consultation on the proposed Local Green Spaces between 21 August 2018 to 18 September 2018. Landowners and user groups of proposed sites were contacted and invited to give their comments. Comments were also invited from the public through the website and a stand at the Madeley Centre. The consultation period is now closed and feedback from consultation responses is being analysed and considered.
18th June 2018 - Drafting of Neighbourhood Plan
The steering group is well under way in preparing the first draft of the Neighbourhood Plan including policies. We are also performing an audit of local green spaces for potential inclusion in the Plan. The findings from the Community Consultation has been very useful and is being used in this process. We will keep you updated as this progresses.
1st February 2018 - Main Community Consultation Now Closed
The community consultation exercise that ran throughout January 2018 is now closed. Questionnaires were delivered to every household in the Parish and it was also available to complete online. We have received approximately 700 completed questionnaires which is a brilliant response and far exceeded our expectations. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part.
The results will be analysed over the next month and the findings will play a key part in drafting the Neighbourhood Plan. The winner of the prize draw will be drawn when all completed questionnaires have been analysed.
Although the consultation period is now closed we welcome your comments and questions at anytime - please email
1st January 2018 - Main Community Consultation Now Live
The results of the initial consultation have been used to generate a detailed questionnaire. This questionnaire is being delivered to every household in the Parish during early January. The Questionnaire can also be completed online by clicking THIS LINK [Link Now Closed Because the Consultation Period Has Ended]. Please have your say by completing the questionnaire. Your input is very important and will help to form the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan that will guide the direction of the Parish between now and 2033. More details can be found on the Community Consultation page.
9th September 2017 - Initial Community Consultation Now Closed
The initial consultation with the community was conducted from 1st July to 9th September 2017 and is now complete. We would like to thank everyone who took part, completed a questionnaire or visited one of our information events. It has allowed us to find out what local people like about the area, what they don’t like, and what needs to change. This has been done at the start of the process, before any plans or proposals have been made, so that people can influence what goes into the Neighbourhood Plan.
The next stage is to analyse and use the results to generate a more detailed survey. This will be done between October and December 2017 and the detailed questionnaire/survey will be delivered to every household in the parish in January 2018.
Neighbourhood Plan Roadshow at the Madeley Centre - 2nd, 3rd and 4th September 2017
The Neighbourhood Plan Roadshow events held at the Madeley Centre on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th September were a great success. The events were well attended by the community and have helped to generate a large number of responses to the initial consultation survey. Thank you to everyone who attended.
2nd, 3rd and 4th September 2017 - Neighbourhood Plan Roadshow at the Madeley Centre
The Steering Group are running a dedicated event to provide information about the Neighbourhood Plan and give people the chance to have their say. This event will be held at the Madeley Centre on Saturday 2nd September 2017 from 10am to 12 noon, Sunday 3rd September 2017 from 11am to 2pm and Monday 4th September 2017 from 5pm to 6.30pm. Please come along to find out more and ensure your opinion helps to shape the future of the Parish through the Neighbourhood Plan.
24th August 2017 - Stand at Madeley HS2 Roadshow
The Steering Group have a stand at the HS2 event at the Madeley Centre. This will be a well attended event and is an opportunity to provide information about the Neighbourhood Plan to a large number of people. It will also give people the chance to have their say and complete the initial community consultation questionnaire. This event will be held at the Madeley Centre on 24th August 2017 from 2pm to 8pm.
July to early September 2017
The initial community consultation commenced on 9 July 2017 with the steering group having a stand at the Spirit of Madeley event. The consultation will run to early September 2017 and gives local people the opportunity to say what they like about the area, what they don’t like, and what needs to change. This information will enable us to identify the key issues, which the Neighbourhood Plan will need to deal with.
There will be opportunities to give your opinions at events during the period or by completing the short questionnaire on the Community Consultation Survey page of this website [Link Now Closed Because the Survey Period Has Ended]. Community consultation is an essential part of the process and you are encouraged to complete the survey.
May and June 2017
A grant application is submitted to Locality for funding towards the cost of developing the Neighbourhood Plan including engaging an experienced consultant to assist with the plan and technical reports.
The steering group formulate a detailed work plan for the Neighbourhood Plan process and prepare for the initial community consultation exercise which will run between July and early September 2017.
11 May 2017
Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council approve the area designation application and the whole of the Madeley Parish is formally designated as a Neighbourhood Plan area.
10 April 2017
An application is submitted to Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council to designate the whole of the Madeley Parish as the Neighbourhood Plan area.
7 April 2017
Madeley Parish Council vote to develop a Neighbourhood Plan. A Steering group made up of Parish Councillors, Conservation Group committee members and local residents is set up to begin the process of development.